Our Farms
With 38 state-of-the-art suppliers in Colombia, our flowers are nurtured under ideal growing conditions. Most importantly, Benchmark Growers has always been focused in producing the best quality flowers consistently and its commitment with social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

Do you know what are the perfect climate conditions to grow flowers? Cool and overcast with 44°F to 66°F temperatures year round. And, where do you find such climate? In the Bogota savanna, a land where flowers thrive like no other place on earth and where our farms are specifically located.
And, what about Medellin? Let us put it this way: Paisas, nickname for Colombians from Medellin, are perfectionists that take great pride in their heritage, land and food, but above all, they rave about their flowers. Most of our farms that grow Chrysanthemum products and varieties are strategically located in the outskirts of Medellin.